Thursday, March 1, 2012

don't tachh...

don't tachh...!


Amtrips said...

lolz... The hindi one is so perfect... but english one~its only seen in India..!

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

Thanks Ladies:-)

Sudha said...

lovely..:)..such posters and warnings are so cute to look at :).

viji paul said...

beautiful blog.... thats all i can say :)

chris said...

makes me sile :)

Keeda Jadi said...

It's a mixer of the body of insects and fungus. A fungus on a caterpillar's head, which is used as a medicine. It has an Indian name called Kida Jadi, which is known as an insect herb. Kida Jadi founds on the Himalayas, also known as Himalayan Viagra and energy booster, also effective for many diseases, including impotence and cancer, more expensive than sleep. It reduces tiredness and improves strength, increases energy levels as a result of it has the most demanded in China, where it is used for medical purposes since the 14th century. Keeda Jadi Supplier Cordyceps Sinensis Supplier